実千代鍼灸院 Michiyo Acupuncture Clinic

Colum NEW!Column


Vol.37Acupuncture and Our Soul

“Acupuncture rouses our spirit and soul,” says my mentor. What wonderful words they are!

In “Rempu’s Tamatebako (treasure box),” now being serially published in Sankei Kansai
Newspaper, Professor Hoka of the medical study institute of Kyushu University graduate school holds dialogue sessions with my mentor Rempu Fujimoto. Let me introduce some highlights of their conversation for the worth of each word we read.

In the December 18th issue of the paper, a prostate cancer patient’s experience of excruciating pain was introduced. The cancer had metastasized to the bone. In fact, I had once met this patient when I was participating in the training session at my mentor’s clinic. When I happened to talk with this patient alone in a booth, he said something which I will never be able to forget: “An acupuncture needle prick took the pain away. Can you believe it?” I thought these words came out of the depth of his soul, reflecting his joy and tenderness. What he said awoke me to the fact that my mentor’s acupuncture treatment had reached the core of the patient’s spirit and soul.

Dr. Hoka, who I mentioned above, is a topnotch researcher in Western medicine, anesthesiology and the field of resuscitation. It moves me to know that such a distinguished medical specialist is so much impressed by my mentor who is equipped with superb expertise in Eastern medicine.

The dialogue between the two presents a ray of great hope and moves my heart and soul.


