実千代鍼灸院 Michiyo Acupuncture Clinic

Colum NEW!Column



Two similar human beings:
In the 2010 winter Olympics, we saw an eye-opening phenomenon in Vancouver. It is
about Mao Asada of Japan and Kim Yuna of the Republic of Korea. They were surprisingly close together in age, and much alike in skills and performances.

The scene of the two embracing each other on the dais (winners’ stand) touched me greatly. They both looked more impressive to me there than when they were competing on the ice. In describing her experience, Kim said: “I know what is happening in myself at each moment. Mao and I are not simple competitors. We are two female figure skaters who happen to be walking on the same course of life.” Kim’s words came from her compassion and sympathy.

Spiritual ‘spring actions”:
When we treat our patients, people sometimes commit the mistake of considering us to be the savior and the patient to be the saved. Actually, we often see patients to whom we are induced to respect and admire. When things are going well, we all sustain confidence in ourselves, but once something unfortunate happens (including sickness) are we all able to handle ourselves with courage? That is a time when spiritual spring power is demanded. Those who are equipped with strong “spring power,” will be able to handle themselves well and even feel like helping those in similar situations.

The most elderly patient I’m now treating:
She turned 101 years of age this month (男性ならばhe) and is being rehabilitated after suffering injuries in the left hand and thigh. When she was eating, I asked if she liked her meal. She said yes with a smile. She appeared to be in good health and mood. She looked determined not to give much trouble to others. At 101, her spiritual “spring” was strong and stout.

When facing a patient, words of encouragement are of the highest value. I always learn about this truth each time I meet a patient trying to overcome physical and mental difficulties. It is like sharpening an excellent sword. Words of encouragement are essential. Those who face patients must keep this in mind and keep offering encouraging words.

Back to Mao Asada, we remember what she said: “Gold is just another step above Silver.” Her eyes and mind were fixed on the next goal. This moved me and made me feel how serious she was making herself jump up to the next goal at Sochi.


